Saturday, April 26, 2014

Purveyors of Hope

I read a book a bit ago.  I am not going to name title or author because I am still trying to figure out how I feel about it.  (Note: the book was not written by any of my followers.)  It was well written.  The pace was good.  It's the content that I am struggling with.

If asked to describe the book in one word, I'd answer 'Brutal.'  I came away from reading it feeling bruised and lacking in any hope.  Chapter to chapter, character after character had hope torn from them (if not their very lives).  Again, not saying whether I liked the book or not because I am still trying to process that.  But, it made me think.

Do I think we are purveyor's of hope and the happy ending?  I guess it depends on genre, but probably not.  My problem is I grow to really care about my characters.  I am not sure I could totally kill their hope.  Am I not cut throat enough?  I don't think so.  I am certainly capable of taking out any of my antagonists (sometimes in rather gruesome ways if it suits the story).  But, I truly care about my protagonists.  And, I should, shouldn't I?  As I have said before, if I don't, why should a reader?  Oh yes.  The current storyline may lead to the destruction of one or more of my protagonists after all my characters lead and I follow, but to kill of each and every one in chapter after chapter...I hope the story never leads us there.

The point.  The point.  Did I have one?  Not really other than looking for thoughts from others as to what they go through when the story leads to a bad place and how others feel about their characters.  Thoughts?

And, yes...'Put on your big girl panties and just get to it' an acceptable response.  :-)

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