Saturday, May 3, 2014

Non-verbal communication

When not writing, I've found myself noticing little things much more.  Non-verbal communication is one of those things. 

I started thinking about it more as I drove to work on Thursday. So deep I thought, in fact, that I missed my exit for work that morning.  Why was I thinking so deeply about non-verbal communication?  I had a moment of non-verbal communication earlier in my trip. No. Not the single finger kind so common on our roadways.

The woman in front of me stopped for a school bus, picking up children. It is the law to do so. However, if you are on a four lane roadway and the bus is on the opposite side, going the opposite direction, you do not need to stop. Slow down and proceed with caution, sure, but no need to stop.

I shook my head and stated as much (not that she could hear me, but it made me feel better).  In my rear-view mirror, I caught a glimpse of the woman behind me. She was waving her hands,shaking her head and mouthing the same thing I had just said. I shrugged, raising my one hand and shook my head again. She smiled and shook her head, waving her hands as if to say 'No. Not you.'

It amused me and made me think about this form of communication.  It's very important to be able to capture those moments in our writing.  After all, it's non-verbal and would make a story feel awkward if we translated this into dialogue.  Which works better or seems more realistic?

'I am exasperated with you! I can't get through to you. So, I am done talking and am going to leave now!'


She threw her hands in the air, shook her head and stomped out of the room, ending the heated conversation.

Obviously, it depends on the story, a writer's style and preference. However, it seems to me that we miss some depth if we aren't seeing, capturing and eventually utilizing non-verbal communication in our writing.