Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ideas from the oddest places

More so than other years, this October seems more haunting.  Perhaps it is because I am beginning to believe that we are being haunted by my Mother-in-law.  Perhaps it is because the weather has been darker and more threatening this year.  I don't know.  It simply does.

Why do I think we are being haunted by my MIL?  The ceiling fan.  It keeps coming on at odd times.  It's not the cats stepping on the remote.  It's not the other remotes in our home.   So, what else could it be?  She is the most recently passed family member, having passed this February.  My first time alone in an empty house with a dead body was the day I discovered her.  Still kind of freaks me out when I think about it.  It's certain the ONLY time I have touched a dead body.  I know some folks reach out and touch or kiss their loved ones as they lie in their coffins.  I can't do it.  I mean, what if they reach back?

Anyway, I am seriously digressing.  I just know that story ideas keep coming to me this month.  It might have been that a request for short story submissions by Dark Autumn Media and accepting the gauntlet I threw down for myself to write a story has opened the flood gate of my imagination.  I don't know.  I just know that every where I turn, if I let myself dwell on something an idea pops into my head. 

I am not complaining.  This is good!  This is great!  To be a writer, one must write.  And, finally, instead of simply dabbling at the art form, dipping a toe into the waters, I AM writing.  I've jumped into the deep end.  And, I am finding that despite the murkiness of the water and the knowledge that a cold hand will surely reach up from those depths to grab my ankle and pull me under, that it isn't so bad.

The latest idea?  It came while grocery day, I will let you know where it leads. :-)

PS - Sure, sure, the cynics will say that there is a 'logical' explanation for the ceiling interference, a remote being used by neighbors on the same boring bosh like that.  Me, I choose NOT to look for the logical.  It's my MIL, plain and simple.  ;-)