Friday, April 25, 2014

Conversations with my husband

Going to shift from writing thoughts for a bit.

I think people sometimes wonder why I married Mike.  We are very different people. He's blue collar and only high school educated. I am white collar and college educated. I geek out about techie stuff and he freaks out about techie stuff. And, yet his weaknesses are my strengths and visa versa.

In truth, I think the biggest draw has turned out to be the conversations and his subtle wit. Which brings me to our latest conversation.

I was telling him about a texting conversation between my mother and I. We were discussing the cats and I had mentioned the fact the I was going to get scolded at the next vet visit with Willow and needed to have Mike chase her around the house more. My mother asked, 'Is that for Willow or for Mike?'

This led to me saying to Mike, 'I am getting fat.' Now, understand. I did not expect him to deny it. I did not expect to hear that it meant there was more of me for him to love. But, I also didn't expect his response.


'Great. So, you are saying your wife's boobs and ass are sagging?'

'No. It's making us shorter.'

In another conversation, I was ranting about a recent news article.

'Have we bred common sense out of America?', I asked.

'I blame bike helmets.' was his reply.

Why bike helmets?  It contradicts the principle of survival of the fittest. Think about it.

I knew I was in for this the night that he proposed. We discussed children. Neither of us were too concerned about having children or not, taking an if it happens great, if not that's great too view. The conversation then turned to names. Oh but not your standard names because there is a lot that can be done with the name Greene. Think about it. My two favorites were Seafoam and Putting (Putt-Putt for short). Eyed Monster only really worked in a last name, first name situation. Emerald and Jade seemed too normal. I suspect God knows what he is doing not giving us a child. After all, I am the aunt that praises her niece for a good burp. :-)

Is it all roses and romance? Of course not. Sometimes our differences cause some very loud spats. The thing is we continue to talk. If we keep doing that, who cares about gravity? :-)

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