Tuesday, April 1, 2014


I write previously about not being able to continue writing the novel I've been working on because I know that my characters would be leaving a happy place for a bad one. I did finally get back to them. They are heading for the bad place.  I thought it would be more difficult than it was, but five chapters just flowed out of me. I have hit another wall, but am confident that I will be able to move them forward at some point.

When I think about it, it's not necessarily a bad thing that I want to keep my characters safe and happy. It means I care about them. If I care about them, hopefully a reader will too.

While I wait for inspiration, the answer is to keep writing and hope my forever first reader doesn't give up on us.  And, I need to surround myself with others dedicated to writing. 

Sit down. Write. Write anything.

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